{ "culture": "es-MX", "name": "DenueMay2022", "guid": "F3452D2D-FAA7-4A15-8DE9-B428B8818530", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Information about the National Statistical Directory of Economic Units from National Institute of Statistic and Geography (INEGI). May 2022 ", "description": "Information about the National Statistical Directory of Economic Units from National Institute of Statistic and Geography (INEGI). May 2022 \nInformación sobre el Directorio Estadístico Nacional de Unidades Económicas del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI). Mayo 2022\n", "summary": "Information about the National Statistical Directory of Economic Units from National Institute of Statistic and Geography (INEGI). May 2022 ", "title": "DenueMay2022", "tags": [ "México", "Mexico", "INEGI", "DENUE", "May", "Mayo", "2022" ], "type": "Feature Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Feature Service", "ArcGIS Server", "Feature Access", "providerSDS" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -117.123937269889, 14.5405999997903 ], [ -86.7128768898566, 32.718236829666 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere", "accessInformation": "INEGI, https://www.inegi.org.mx/", "licenseInfo": "http://en.www.inegi.org.mx/inegi/terminos.html" }