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"type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VIVPAR_DES", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vivpar_des", "alias": "Viviendas particulares deshabitadas (Homes, private and not inhabited)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VIVPAR_UT", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vivpar_ut", "alias": "Viviendas particulares de uso temporal (Homes private for temporary use)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "OCUPVIVPAR", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "ocupvivpar", "alias": "Ocupantes en viviendas particulares (population in Homes, private and inhabited)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "PROM_OCUP", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "prom_ocup", "alias": "Promedio de ocupantes en viviendas particulares habitadas (average of occupants in a home)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PRO_OCUP_C", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pro_ocup_c", "alias": "Promedio de ocupantes por cuarto en viviendas particulares habitadas (average of occupants in a private home)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "VPH_PISODT", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_pisodt", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas con piso de material diferente de tierra (Homes, private and inhabited without soil floor)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_PISOTI", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_pisoti", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas con piso de tierra (Homes, private and inhabited with soil floor)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_1DOR", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_1dor", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas con un dormitorio (Homes, private and inhabited with one bedroom)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_2YMASD", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_2ymasd", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas con dos dormitorios y más (Homes, private and inhabited with two bedroom and over)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_1CUART", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_1cuart", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas con un solo cuarto (Homes, private and inhabited with one room)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_2CUART", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_2cuart", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas con dos cuartos (Homes, private and inhabited with two room)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_3YMASC", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_3ymasc", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas con 3 cuartos y más (Homes, private and inhabited with two room and over)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_C_ELEC", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_c_elec", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de luz eléctrica (Homes, private and inhabited with electric light)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_S_ELEC", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_s_elec", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que no disponen de luz eléctrica (Homes, private and inhabited without electric light)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_AGUADV", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_aguadv", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de agua entubada en el ámbito de la vivienda (Homes, private and inhabited with access to water service)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_AGUAFV", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_aguafv", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que no disponen de agua entubada en el ámbito de la vivienda (Homes, private and inhabited without access to water service)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_EXCSA", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_excsa", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de excusado o sanitario (Homes, private and inhabited with toilet)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_DRENAJ", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_drenaj", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de drenaje (Homes, private and inhabited with drainage)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_NODREN", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_nodren", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que no disponen de drenaje (Homes, private and inhabited without drainage)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_C_SERV", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_c_serv", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de luz eléctrica, agua entubada en el ámbito de la vivienda y drenaje (Homes, private and inhabited with electric light, water and drainage)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_SNBIEN", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_snbien", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas sin ningún bien (Homes, private and inhabited without any goods)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_RADIO", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_radio", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de radio (Homes, private and inhabited with radio)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_TV", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_tv", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de televisor (Homes, private and inhabited with TV)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_REFRI", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_refri", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de refrigerador (Homes, private and inhabited with a fridge)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_LAVAD", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_lavad", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de lavadora (Homes, private and inhabited with a washing machine)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_AUTOM", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_autom", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de automóvil o camioneta (Homes, private and inhabited with a car or van)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_PC", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_pc", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de computadora (Homes, private and inhabited with computer)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_TELEF", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_telef", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de línea telefónica fija (Homes, private and inhabited with a phone line)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_CEL", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_cel", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de teléfono celular (Homes, private and inhabited with a cell phone)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "VPH_INTER", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "vph_inter", "alias": "Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de internet (Homes, private and inhabited with a internet service)", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger" }, { "modelName": "PTOTHOG", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "ptothog", "alias": "Porcentaje de Total de hogares censales (Percentage of Total homes included in census)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PPOBHOG", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "ppobhog", "alias": "Porcentaje de Población en hogares censales (Percentage of Population on homes included in census)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PPHOGJEF_M", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pphogjef_m", "alias": "Porcentaje de Población en hogares censales con jefatura masculina (Percentage of Population on homes in census w/male household head )", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PPHOGJEF_F", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pphogjef_f", "alias": "Porcentaje de Población en hogares censales con jefatura femenina (Percentage of Population on homes in census w/female household head )", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PTVIVHAB", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "ptvivhab", "alias": "Porcentaje de Total de viviendas habitadas (Percentage of Total inhabited homes)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PTVIVPAR", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "ptvivpar", "alias": "Porcentaje de Total de viviendas particulares (Percentage of Total Private homes)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVIVPAR_HAB", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvivpar_hab", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PTVIVPARHAB", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "ptvivparhab", "alias": "Porcentaje de Total de viviendas particulares habitadas (Percentage of Total private homes inhabited)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVIVPAR_DES", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvivpar_des", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares deshabitadas (Percentage of Homes, private and not inhabited)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVIVPAR_UT", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvivpar_ut", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares de uso temporal (Percentage of Homes private for temporary use)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "POCUPVIVPAR", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pocupvivpar", "alias": "Porcentaje de Ocupantes en viviendas particulares (Percentage of population in Homes, private and inhabited)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_PISODT", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvph_pisodt", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas con piso de material diferente de tierra (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited without soil floor)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_PISOTI", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvph_pisoti", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas con piso de tierra (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited with soil floor)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_1DOR", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvph_1dor", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas con un dormitorio (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited with one bedroom)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_2YMASD", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvph_2ymasd", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas con dos dormitorios y más (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited with two bedroom and over)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_1CUART", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvph_1cuart", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas con un solo cuarto (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited with one room)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_2CUART", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvph_2cuart", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas con dos cuartos (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited with two room)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_3YMASC", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvph_3ymasc", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas con 3 cuartos y más (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited with two room and over)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_C_ELEC", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvph_c_elec", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de luz eléctrica (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited with electric light)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_S_ELEC", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvph_s_elec", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas que no disponen de luz eléctrica (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited without electric light)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_AGUADV", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvph_aguadv", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas que disponen de agua entubada en el ámbito de la vivienda (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited with access to water service)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_AGUAFV", "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "pvph_aguafv", "alias": "Porcentaje de Viviendas particulares habitadas que no disponen de agua entubada en el ámbito de la vivienda (Percentage of Homes, private and inhabited without access to water service)", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, { "modelName": "PVPH_EXCSA", "nullable": true, "editable": true, 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