{ "culture": "es-MX", "name": "INEGI_CPV2010_ESTADOS_VIVIENDA", "guid": "888109B9-A978-41EC-AA24-02C8A31D3928", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Información del Censo de Población y Vivienda del 2010 de INEGI\nContinene información de Vivienda por entidad federativa.\n\nInformation from the INEGI 2010 Population and Housing Census\nContains home information by a state entity.\n", "description": "", "summary": "Información del Censo de Población y Vivienda del 2010 de INEGI\nContinene información de Vivienda por entidad federativa.\n\nInformation from the INEGI 2010 Population and Housing Census\nContains home information by a state entity.\n", "title": "INEGI_CPV2010_ESTADOS_VIVIENDA", "tags": [ "INEGI", "Censo de población y vivienda", "2010", "Vivienda", "Home", "Population and Housing Census" ], "type": "Feature Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Feature Service", "ArcGIS Server", "Feature Access", "providerSDS" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -118.407649567657, 14.5320984513956 ], [ -86.7104053685022, 32.7186535902243 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }